Bright and brilliant teams help your business grow.

Growing the capability of your team is both art and science.

There is one thing my business clients have in common;  a serious desire to improve performance and deliver sustainable growth.

Ultimately the success of each business I work with comes down to their team. When they raise their game, business performance reaches new heights. In teams, it’s always personal.

Are you asking yourself these questions?

  • How do I get my team working together with each other to get a job done without relying on me?

  • When can I take time off and be confident all issues will be dealt with effectively while I am away?

  • What capabilities do I need in my team?

  • How can I have difficult and positive conversations when things are going off track?

  • How do I grow and develop my team to meet our future challenges?

  • I would like to build a team that means I can take more of a back seat, where do I start?

Having an engaged and motivated team  is essential if you want to grow your business – you just can’t do it all on your own (and survive!)  I work with teams to help them build their collaboration skills and work as a cohesive team in way that deal smoothly with projects, customers and challenges. A well-motivated and high performing team is the key to high growth.



team strengths

I use SDI psychometric tools together with coaching to encourage your team to build trust  and identify its strengths. Create and agree a plan to build and grow team cohesion. 

In today’s forward thinking and successful businesses people are no longer told what to do,  leaders build strong working relationships support their team in achieving their goals. Leaders inspire.

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TEam design and structure

Collaborative working, agile decision-making, clear communication frameworks, and innovation through continuous improvement.

For some time now, the predominant trend in the businesses we work with has been towards flat and lean structures. Many owners want to build on the energy of the early days in start-up with everyone working together. almost all of the workspaces I visit are open plan and employees have direct access to those they need to collaborate with at all levels in the business. Their role in the business is based on capability, initiative, ability to deliver and work with the team. In these businesses leadership is about everyone assuming accountability.

Business model canvas

Business model canvas


Making the complex easier to understand. I work with teams  to develop frameworks and work structures that make a contribution to the bigger picture. Nurture your team and cultivate a culture where everyone contributes to the business success. A well-motivated individual and high performing team is the key to high growth..


Team coaching 

Studies show that only one in five teams are high performing. I work with team to take them on this journey and help them become more effective. When I talk about high performing teams, I am talking about people who are all aligned and headed to a common goal or outcome, such as the completion of a project, the start of a new business or the closing of a sales quarter.

Team coaching helps team members have open and honest conversations about how to get stuff done. Using SDI as a  starting point, teams are better able to understand the motivations driving behaviour. This in turn develops trust, an understanding of why conflict occurs, and strategies for handling disagreements in a positively and increased team performance.

A a coach I have  a number of roles; holding the coaching process for the team, keeping everyone accountable for their actions, and ensuring  all team members are participating

We will work on creating a roadmap to provide clarity and increase commitment among the team members to enable them to draw on their collective attitudes and skills.

I use half day sessions to explore team dynamics and the influence this has on each person.





Team workshops and skills training

I work with teams to develop and build their capability to deliver what is critical for the business to be successful. I facilitate workshop sessions for teams working on projects, mature teams in need of re-energising, or high performing teams who are looking for that extra something to take them up a notch. 

Workshops are devised in partnership with each business to make sure they deliver what the business has set out to achieve.It is important too that they are enjoyable, challenging and with a positive  and lasting impact on performance.


Talking teams - Free chemistry session

It’s time to get your team in great shape to help you take it up a gear.  You know you're ready to step away from the detail of the day-to-day to work on the business and let your team take ownership and to pull together.


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